Film Review: Safety Not Guaranteed – 7/10

Quirky but not annoying. Lacking in action but not boring. A nice flick…

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A newspaper sends a journalist and two interns to do a story on a man who has placed an ad in a newspaper for a companion to time travel with.

The likeable cast includes Mark Duplass, Aubrey Plaza and Jake Johnson. Plaza is particularly good as downbeat Darius. She can do smart and funny without being self conscious about it, something which Ellen Page is only just starting to pull off now. Duplass does well in a more challenging role than he is used to along with fellow cast member Jake Johnson the main three stars share a compelling chemistry.

Safety Not Guaranteed is a touching and offbeat curiosity, fans of eternal sunshine of the spotless mind and garden state will find a lot to enjoy here, particularly the strong soundtrack and i would happily have seen this stretched out a bit longer than the skinny running time of 1 hour and 26 minutes.