TV Review: Loudermilk – 8/10

‘It’s affinity, communication, and an empathy for the human condition that binds us all…’

Sometimes you just know you’re going to like something even if the information you have about that thing is limited. Just the first few words of the synopsis of the 2017 comedy series Loudermilk (Ron Livingstone plays a former music critic and alcoholic) were enough to pull me in. And sure enough, Loudermilk is great…

Sam Loudermilk (Livingstone) has fucked his life up but he finds solace in the weird and wonderful world of AA meetings. Loudermilk forms part of an uneasy trio also containing his sponsor Ben (Will Sasso) and young tearaway Claire (Anja Savcic). The three of them attempt to navigate the choppy waters of recovery from addiction whilst also trying to live normal and sane lives.

Now, I love Ron Livingstone. I loved him in Office Space. I loved him in Band of Brothers. Ironically (considering the subject matter of this show), I’d like to share a beer with him. Perhaps a carvery. And he’s great in this too. But actually, the real power of Loudermilk comes from the supporting cast. Not just Sasso and Savcic (although both are great) but in the bit players who make up the rest of the AA group. Brian Regan gets the most compelling character arc as perennial fuck up Mugsy, but this is very much an ensemble piece. Everyone contributes to the rich tapestry of the show and while the plotting is a little predictable at times, the characterisation is so strong that it doesn’t matter.

Co-creators Peter Farrelly and Bobby Mort have expressed an interest in producing a fourth season of Loudermilk but it is currently looking unlikely. If it is to only be three seasons, they can at least reflect on the fact that they have gone out on a high.

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