‘Everybody dies. Some of us peacefully and in our sleep, and some of us… horribly. And that’s life…’

The Things That Really Matter
‘Everybody dies. Some of us peacefully and in our sleep, and some of us… horribly. And that’s life…’
‘Get busy living… or get busy dying…’
‘That’s the bet, Mr. Norris. You get the girl, you get the gold watch, you get everything…’
‘The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed….’
‘Here they store what came before. Pain and suffering from days of yore…’
‘Every age of man has had a devil, and every age has paid for his desires…’
‘I used to think nothing happened here. But the truth is everything happens here…’
‘I always wanted to be one of the shiny, happy people….’