‘I’m one with the Force, and the Force is with me.’
Continue reading “Film Review: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – 8.5/10”
The Things That Really Matter
‘I’m one with the Force, and the Force is with me.’
Continue reading “Film Review: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story – 8.5/10”
‘If you live an ordinary life, all you’ll have are ordinary stories…’
Continue reading “Film Review: Passengers – 5.5/10”‘You cold-blooded bastard! I’ll tell you what I think of it: I live to see you eat that contract, but I hope you leave enough room for my fist because I’m going to ram it into your stomach and break your god-damn spine!’
‘It must feel like your God abandoned you…’
‘It’s not destroying… It’s making something new…’
‘I should have known. No human being is that humane…’