‘You go in that courtroom and forget what’s legal and do what’s right…’
The Things That Really Matter
‘You go in that courtroom and forget what’s legal and do what’s right…’
‘In case y’all didn’t know, marriage is the cure to promiscuity…’
‘ Every story ever told can be broken down into three parts. The beginning. The middle. And the twist…’
‘There’s something about blasting the shit out of a razorback that brightens up my whole day...’
‘After you’ve taken everything, what will be left?‘
‘You look like you sell iPhone cases to teenagers at the mall…’
‘Frylock is dead to me… I’ll never speak with him again…’
‘I’m not leaving until I have a barrel full of Nazi hearts…’
‘When bullies rise up, the rest of us have to beat them back down, whatever the cost…’