As good as cinema gets…
Film Review: They Shall Not Grow Old – 8.5/10
‘They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old…’
Continue reading “Film Review: They Shall Not Grow Old – 8.5/10”
Top 10 Greatest Movie Sequels
I preferred the original…
Film Review: Annie Hall – 7.5/10
‘I feel that life is divided into the horrible and the miserable…’
Continue reading “Film Review: Annie Hall – 7.5/10”Film Review: Battle of the Sexes – 7.5/10
‘How about this: Man vs. Woman. Male Chauvinist Pig vs Hairy-Legged Feminist…’
Continue reading “Film Review: Battle of the Sexes – 7.5/10”
Film Review: Halloween (2018) – 8/10
‘An evil like his never stops, it just grows older. Darker…’
RANKED: A Nightmare on Elm Street
One… Two… Freddy’s coming for you…
Film Review: Halloween (1978) – 9/10
‘Evil has come to your little town…’
Top 10 Horror Movie Directors
Must be the season of the witch…
Film Review: Apostle – 7.5/10
Halloween season continues…