‘All that’s left separating us from an armistice is false pride…’
Continue reading “Film Review: All Quiet on the Western Front – 9/10”Film Review: The Trench – 6/10
‘Ya got Jocks to the left of you, Micks to the right. That’s all you need to know for now...’
Film Review: Benediction – 6.5/10
‘Pain is not the only terror. There are many more...’
Continue reading “Film Review: Benediction – 6.5/10”Film Review: Battleship Potemkin – 8/10
‘Shoulder to shoulder. The land is ours. Tomorrow is ours...’
Film Review: The Bridge on the River Kwai – 8.5/10
‘Do not speak to me of rules. This is war! This is not a game of cricket…’
Continue reading “Film Review: The Bridge on the River Kwai – 8.5/10”Film Review: Ran – 6/10
‘Man is born crying. When he has cried enough, he dies...’
Continue reading “Film Review: Ran – 6/10”Film Review: Camp X-Ray – 7/10
‘Nobody gives you a medal when you do it right, they just demote you when you do it wrong...’
Continue reading “Film Review: Camp X-Ray – 7/10”Film Review: The Battle of Algiers – 8/10
‘It’s hard to start a revolution…’
Continue reading “Film Review: The Battle of Algiers – 8/10”Film Review: The Devil’s Backbone – 8.5/10
‘What is a ghost? A tragedy condemned to repeat itself time and again?‘
Continue reading “Film Review: The Devil’s Backbone – 8.5/10”Film Review: Paths of Glory – 8.5/10
‘I’m not afraid of dying tomorrow, only of getting killed...’
Continue reading “Film Review: Paths of Glory – 8.5/10”