‘I’d probably have to say… The Best of the Beatles.’
Film Review: The Hateful Eight – 6.5/10
Tarantino’s masterpiece? More like his meh-sterpeice…
Film Review: Creed – 7.5/10
Creed draws on the entire Rocky canon’s rich history to reinvigorate an ailing franchise…
Film Review: Sinister 2 – 6/10
Nowhere near as sickeningly frightening as Sinister…
Film Review: The Martian – 8/10
Matt Damon makes a film much more fun than his last space outing…
Film Review: The Monuments Men – 3/10
Utter, total, turd.
Film Review: Elysium – 6/10
There is a great movie here somewhere amongst the mess. A missed opportunity…
Ten More Great TV Shows of 2015
Despite my undying love for films, we have now reached a stage where the quality found on TV is actually far superior to 90% of offerings churned out on the silver screen. Since running through my top ten favourite shows of 2015 in November, I have discovered a plethora of other top notch shows. Here are ten of them: Continue reading “Ten More Great TV Shows of 2015”
Film Review: The Rack Pack – 7/10
Back to the Baize…
Film Review: Room – 8.5/10
Take a fucking bow Brie Larson…