‘Evil has come to your little town…’
Top 10 Horror Movie Directors
Must be the season of the witch…
Podcast of the Week: No Sleep Podcast
A petrifying podcast…
Why I Love… Idles
Joy as an act of resistance…
Top 10 Stephen King Horror Novels
Ranking the Master of Horror…
Film Review: Apostle – 7.5/10
Halloween season continues…
Film Review: The Thing – 8/10
‘I dunno what the hell’s in there, but it’s weird and pissed off, whatever it is…’
Preview: All the Best Halloween Movies and TV Shows this October
Halloween 2018: Top 7 Horror Movie Survivors
The Final Girls… and one boy…
Continue reading “Halloween 2018: Top 7 Horror Movie Survivors”
Book Review: Shakespeare – The World as Stage
‘We all recognise a likeness of Shakespeare the instant we see one, and yet we don’t really know what he looked like. It is like this with nearly every aspect of his life and character: He is at once the best known and least known of figures…’
Continue reading “Book Review: Shakespeare – The World as Stage”