As promised, Arnie is back…

Hey Arnold!
The Things That Really Matter
Reboot Chicken? Nope business as usual…
Continue reading “Film Review: Robot Chicken Star Wars – 7/10”
3 hours and 25 minutes of really intense dialogue is softened by Kevin Costner’s lovely sorrowful eyes…
Kevin Costner – actor and dreamboat
‘I’d probably have to say… The Best of the Beatles.’
Tarantino’s masterpiece? More like his meh-sterpeice…
Creed draws on the entire Rocky canon’s rich history to reinvigorate an ailing franchise…
Nowhere near as sickeningly frightening as Sinister…
Matt Damon makes a film much more fun than his last space outing…
Utter, total, turd.
There is a great movie here somewhere amongst the mess. A missed opportunity…