‘Who abandoned Snoopy in the vestibule?‘
Film Review: I’m Not There – 8/10
‘I don’t know who I am most of the time...’
Continue reading “Film Review: I’m Not There – 8/10”Film Review: The Right Stuff – 8/10
‘But on that glorious day in May 1963, Gordo Cooper went higher, farther, and faster than any other American…’
Continue reading “Film Review: The Right Stuff – 8/10”Film Review: Pierrepoint: The Last Hangman – 6.5/10
‘I did a lot of jobs in Germany. More than were really good for me. Too many really…’
Film Review: Alive – 8/10
‘If we die… we’re gonna die walking…’
Continue reading “Film Review: Alive – 8/10”Film Review: BlackBerry – 8.5/10
‘You want to be great, you need to sacrifice. The more painful the sacrifice, the greater you’ll be...’
Continue reading “Film Review: BlackBerry – 8.5/10”Film Review: The Girl – 7.5/10
‘Blondes make the best victims...’
Continue reading “Film Review: The Girl – 7.5/10”Film Review: Hitchcock – 7/10
‘I will never find a Hitchcock blonde as beautiful as you...’
Continue reading “Film Review: Hitchcock – 7/10”Film Review: Miles Ahead – 6/10
‘How many times have you got laid to this man’s music?‘
Continue reading “Film Review: Miles Ahead – 6/10”Film Review: Air – 8.5/10
‘You are remembered for the rules you break...’
Continue reading “Film Review: Air – 8.5/10”