‘You can do it. You can do anything. You’re the world’s greatest grandma…’
Film Review: Wonder Woman – 8/10
‘I will fight for those who cannot fight for themselves…’
Film Review: Black KKKlansman – 7.5/10
‘For you it’s a crusade. For me it’s a job…’
Film Review: Solo – A Star Wars Story – 6/10
‘I don’t like it, I don’t agree with it, but I accept it…’
Continue reading “Film Review: Solo – A Star Wars Story – 6/10”
Film Review: Avengers Infinity War – 8.5/10
‘Dude, you’re embarrassing me in front of the wizards…’
Continue reading “Film Review: Avengers Infinity War – 8.5/10”
Film Review: Black Panther – 5.5/10
‘Wakanda will no longer watch from the shadows…’
Film Review: Ready Player One – 7.5/10
‘Let the hunt for Halliday’s Easter Egg, begin!’
Film Review: Upgrade – 7.5/10
‘A fake world is a lot less painful than the real one…’
Film Review: Thor Ragnarok – 8/10
‘Last time we saw you, you were trying to kill everyone. What are you up to these days?’
Film Review: Spider-Man Homecoming – 7/10
‘You just don’t do anything I would do,and definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do. There’s a little grey area in there and that’s where you operate…’
Continue reading “Film Review: Spider-Man Homecoming – 7/10”