Every album Alex Turner has been involved in from worst to best…

The Things That Really Matter
Every album Alex Turner has been involved in from worst to best…
‘There came a time when you realised that moving on was pointless. That you took yourself with you wherever you went…’
It’s just all the best stuff you guys!
Marvel literally give no shits any more…
Bryan Cranston smokes cigarettes in the bath…
Time to start sticking blu tac over your webcam…
Two thirds of Flight of the Conchords serve up one of the most refreshing vampire films in years…
Continue reading “Film Review: What We Do In The Shadows – 7.5/10”
An Interview with… The Crookes
Just an incredibly traumatising cinematic experience…
Another reboot, another origin story but how does The Amazing Spiderman compare?
Continue reading “Film Review: The Amazing Spider-Man – 8/10”